Coffee Case Study

Coffee & Arrabina®… The Perfect Blend

More than 60% of Americans start their day with a cup of coffee, and an additional 10% drink coffee every week, according to a survey commissioned by the National Coffee Association (NCA). Beyond looking for delicious flavor and caffeine, today’s consumers are increasingly searching for options with added health benefits.

Fortunately for beverage manufacturers, coffee serves as an excellent vehicle for functional ingredients, allowing consumers to seamlessly integrate wellness options into their existing morning routines. To tap into this trend and differentiate their products in the competitive coffee space, beverage manufacturers should pay close attention to emerging functional ingredients including prebiotic dietary fiber.

Ground Coffee

Arrabina® is a fine powder that blends easily into ground coffee with no settling and passes through standard filters for claims integrity


Arrabina® is a low dose prebiotic dietary fiber which allows inclusion in K-Cups without dilution in flavor with >90% confirmed pass-through for claims integrity.