Birthday Cake Protein Powder Case Study

Protein & Fiber, A Hunger Crushing Duo

Consumers are busy! They need convenient, on-the-go options that align with their nutritional goals. Protein shakes are consumed regularly as a quick meal replacement or snack to keep hunger at bay. The combination of protein and fiber provides even greater benefits and longer satiety


With an ever-expanding selection of protein powders on grocery store shelves and Amazon, brands need to step up their game to stand out.
One winning strategy is introducing protein powders with additional functional benefits, such prebiotic dietary fiber for improved gut health. As inflation continues to rise, this approach presents a smart way to offer consumers added value precisely when they need it most. Unfortunately, many dietary fibers are difficult to add to existing formulations and can cause bloating or GI distress.


Arrabina makes it easy to formulate protein powders that are high in fiber and taste great, making it a treat rather than a chore to consume protein and fiber. The fully soluble powder boasts excellent stability in solution and no gritty texture. In addition, Arrabina is gentle on the stomach. Clinical trial results prove that even when 15 grams are consumed, there are no negative GI symptoms including bloating and gut discomfort.
Though multiple servings can be consumed at a time, Arrabina is a low-dose prebiotic dietary fiber with only around 3 grams needed to promote the growth of bifidobacteria.