We perfected nature’s best dietary fiber, arabinoxylan, in our proprietary line of ARRABINA prebiotic dietary fibers.

Nature’s Best Dietary Fiber, Perfected

ARRABINA is an exceptional dietary supplement that has captured the attention of many health experts and enthusiasts. One of the notable features of ARRABINA is that it is easy to use, thanks to its plant-based composition.

Additionally, this incredible supplement contains a plethora of health benefits that are crucial in supporting the optimal functioning of the body’s systems. To assure you of its quality, a team of experts from Biofortis recently conducted a study on the supplement’s effect on 36 healthy participants.

The participants were divided into different groups that received varying doses of ARRABINA or a placebo. During the study period, the participants were asked to record their level of discomfort in their stomachs after taking the supplement.

Distinctly, the results showed that even with a high dose of 15 grams per day, there were no differences in discomfort between those who took ARRABINA and those who received the placebo.

The findings were published in a reputable nutrition academic journal and presented at a nutrition conference, substantiating the high-quality nature of ARRABINA.

Low dose prebiotic fiber

Fully-soluble powder with naturally-occurring polyphenol antioxidants that complements coffee, tea and chocolate flavor profiles without diluting color or taste.

With as little as 3 grams per day, Arrabina® promotes growth of beneficial bifidobacteria2



The multiple grades of fully soluble powders fit every formulation need

ARRABINA is an arabinoxylan prebiotic fiber which is an FDA-recognized, hemicellulose polysaccharide fiber with clinically proven tolerance and prebiotic health benefits. The fiber’s longer chain polysaccharide structure makes it better tolerated by the gut than oligosaccharides as it is digested later in the GI tract. The longer chain also has functionality benefits as it is not as vulnerable to degradation in low pH and high temperature cooking applications. 

Arabinoxylan is abundant in nature. In fact, it makes up about 70% of the soluble fiber naturally found in grains4. Yet large quantities of processed whole grains are needed for a single serving size of soluble arabinoxylan fiber.

Cereal and Spoon

~ 5 cups of wheat bran cereal5

~ 3 grams2

ONLY COMET solved this problem using our patented upcycling technology to unlock arabinoxylan’s potential and make it available in our line of ARRABINA dietary fibers. ARRABINA makes it easy to add the clinically proven benefits of arabinoxylan to ANY food/beverage/supplement application. 

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Upcycled Certification™

1) A serving of Arrabina supplies 0.85g/RACC of the necessary 3.4 g/day of soluble fiber needed to have prebiotic effect 

2) ISAPP; Windley et al. 2015, Cloetens et al. 2010, Francois et al. 2014, Maki et al. 2012, Walton et al. 2012, Damen et al. 2012, Kjølbæk et al. 2019.

  • Windey et al. 2015. Wheat bran extract alters colonic fermentation and microbial composition, but does not affect faecal water toxicity: a randomised controlled trial in healthy subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 113, 225-238. Cloetens et al. 2010. Tolerance of arabinoxylan-oligosaccharides and their prebiotic activity in healthy subjects: a randomised, placebo-controlled crossover study. British Journal of Nutrition, 103, 703-713.
  • François IE, Lescroart O, Veraverbeke WS, Marzorati M, Possemiers S, Hamer H, Windey K, Welling GW, Delcour JA, Courtin CM, Verbeke K, Broekaert WF. Effects of wheat bran extract containing arabinoxylan oligosaccharides on gastrointestinal parameters in healthy preadolescent children. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2014 May;58(5):647-53.
  • Maki KC, Gibson GR, Dickmann RS, Kendall CW, Chen CY, Costabile A, Comelli EM,McKay DL, Almeida NG, Jenkins D, Zello GA, Blumberg JB. Digestive and physiologic effects of a wheat bran extract, arabino-xylan-oligosaccharide, in breakfast cereal. Nutrition. 2012 Nov-Dec;28(11-12):1115-21. 
  • Walton GE, Lu C, Trogh I, Arnaut F, Gibson GR. A randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled cross-over study to determine the gastrointestinal effects of consumption of arabinoxylan-oligosaccharides enriched bread in healthy volunteers. Nutr J. 2012 Jun 1;11:36.
  • Windey K, François I, Broekaert W, De Preter V, Delcour JA, Louat T, Herman J, Verbeke K. High dose of prebiotics reduces fecal water cytotoxicity in healthy subjects. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2014 Nov;58(11):2206-18. doi:10.1002/mnfr.201400298. Epub 2014 Oct 17. PMID: 25164793.
  • Kjølbæk, L., Benítez-Páez, A., Pulgar, E. M., Brahe, L. K., Liebisch, G., Matysik, S., . . . Sanz, Y. (2019). Arabinoxylan oligosaccharides and polyunsaturated fatty acid effects on gut microbiota and metabolic markers in overweight individuals with signs of metabolic syndrome: A randomized cross-over trial. Clinical Nutrition. doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2019.01.012

3) Oliver Chen, Traci Blonquist, Kristen Sanoshy, Kathleen Kelley, Eunice Mah, The Effect of Arabinoxylan on Gastrointestinal Tolerance in Generally Healthy Adults: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Study, >, Volume 5, Issue Supplement_2, June 2021, Page 304.

4) Jing Wang, et al. “Cereal-derived Arabinoxylans: Structural Features and Structure–activity Correlations.” v. 96,. pp. 157-165. doi: href=”″ 10.1016/j.tifs.2019.12.016
