Soluble Fiber and Functional Beverages: The Key to Optimal Wellness

Diets in today’s world are becoming more and more difficult for people to navigate. Food has become more processed as time has gone on, stripping our foods of valuable nutrition. There’s also the self-imposed gurus on social media that continue butting heads with leading scientists about what humans should be eating to achieve proper health. Is it keto? Is it carnivore? Is it vegan? Is it even anything particular at all?

One certainty is the importance of consuming fiber in your diet. Many people today ignore this significant nutrient by focusing strictly on macronutrients (carbs, fats, and proteins). Following this common trend will surely present you with easily avoidable health issues.

Soluble Fiber vs. Insoluble Fiber

There are two main types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. These are both incredibly important in overall health, but they do differ in their functions and what foods they are found in.

Soluble Fiber

  • What it does: Dissolves in water, forming a gel-like substance in your digestive system.
  • Benefits:
    • Helps lower cholesterol levels
    • Helps regulate blood sugar
    • Promotes feelings of fullness (good for weight management)
    • Supports healthy gut bacteria
  • Common Sources: Oats, barley, beans, lentils, peas, apples, citrus fruits, nuts, and seeds.


Insoluble Fiber

  • What it does: It doesn’t dissolve in water and passes through the digestive system mostly intact.
  • Benefits:
    • Adds bulk to stool, promoting regularity
    • Helps prevent constipation
    • Supports overall digestive health
  • Common Sources: Whole grains, wheat bran, vegetables, and the skins of fruits.


In a nutshell, both types of fiber are important for a healthy diet. Having a diverse diet full of fiber-rich fruits and veggies is a great place to start.

How Low Fiber Hurts

According to the USDA’s dietary guidelines, the recommended daily fiber intake for adults is between 25-34 grams a day. While there are more specific amounts based on age and gender, this is a general rule of thumb. However, most Americans struggle to even get to half of this, only consuming about 15 grams of fiber per day.

Consuming low amounts of fiber often brings many health issues with it, including:

  • Blood Sugar Instability: Without enough fiber to slow down digestion, your body absorbs sugars from food too quickly. This leads to spikes in blood sugar followed by crashes, which can increase diabetes risk, worsen existing diabetes, and contribute to feelings of fatigue or mood swings.
  • Elevated Cholesterol: Low fiber intake means less cholesterol is removed from your body. Elevated LDL (“bad”) cholesterol significantly increases your risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • Digestive Issues & Gut Health: Fiber contributes to softer stools that are easier to pass, preventing constipation and related complications like hemorrhoids. Additionally, a lack of soluble fiber can disrupt the balance of healthy bacteria in your gut, potentially leading to digestive discomfort and a less robust immune system.


Supplement if Necessary

Times are tough, and accessing fresh fruits and vegetables can be difficult or inconvenient. If you’re dealing with this or are simply unable to eat some fruits and veggies due to an allergy, it may be necessary to supplement your fiber intake to maintain healthy digestive function.

Functional Beverages

Functional beverages are a convenient option to ensure you’re getting the recommended daily allowance of important vitamins, minerals, amino acids, dietary fiber, and even prebiotics or probiotics. These supplemented drinks offer physical and mental health benefits and are ideal for busy lifestyles. It’s easy to grab a shake on your way out when you don’t have time to prepare a meal. Soluble dietary fiber, antioxidants, and prebiotics also come in powder form, which can be easily added to your favorite beverages or foods.

COMET offers those needing a boost in their daily fiber intake a premium, low-dose prebiotic fiber, ARRABINA®. ARRABINA is a tasteless, FDA-recognized fiber supplement that can integrated into any food or beverage, ensuring consumers can reach their fiber goals easier.

If you are interested in improving the fiber content of your products, contact COMET to request a free sample of ARRABINA today!